Spiritual Psychologist, Professor, Quantum Trauma Clearing Expert, Author, and Documentarian
Deprogram your programing.
Invest in your relationship with yourself
Dr. Parthenia Grant is an intuitive empath capable of discerning the mental and/or emotional blockages keeping you stuck in repetitive cycles on a hamster wheel of depression, addiction, anxiety, dis-ease and self destructive patterns. She is adept with combining edge, holistic protocols designed to help you reach rapid emotional, mental, and spiritual liberation. Her unique gifts are personalized to fit the particular needs of your situation, background and temperament. She has a proven track record that spans over two decades of helping thousands of clients and students make 180 degree turns in their lives and careers. She has received numerous awards for her service and expertise.
Improve your relationship with others
Be your best self, alone and with others, and cultivate deep and lasting friendships and relationships.
“Hard core patriarchal males tend to hold on to ingrained resentment toward women as hard and as long as they hold on to the thrill of Viagra mixed with a cocktail of secrecy and sadism cemented by wealth and power.”
–Parthenia Grant, PhD