The abuse of women and children (male and female) is systemic in American society, most notably, within the Catholic Church, Hollywood, and Washington, D.C. (i.e. high-level politicians). From the high profile cases of sexual abuse finally making the headlines, it is becoming increasingly clear that many of the most notorious abusers tend to seek and hold positions of money and power within society.
Because of the foregoing, case after case of reported abuse reveal the futility of turning to the legal system for “justice” or protection. Take a look at the number of pedophiles with validated charges brought against them who never spent a day in court let alone jail, and never lost their positions of power. The corporate media plays a prominent role in covering up these “Dirty Little Secrets.” The abysmal coverage of the Pizza Gate child sexual abuse scandal, involving the White House, and the FBI’s investigation, which went nowhere, attest to the complicity of most mainstream media over the years, even though this is starting to change.
The other problem is the denial in society and their unwillingness to talk openly or constructively about abuse. No wonder there is still so much reluctance on the part of those who have been abused to “out” their abuser. Not to mention how allegations of abuse, more often than not, get summarily dismissed; or how often the abuser is defended (particularly if he or she is rich, powerful, handsome, or famous); or, how often the abused is blamed for his or her own abuse. Case in point: Barbara Walters telling Cory Feldman, on air, that he was “condemning an entire industry” after Corey exposed a massive child molestation ring in Hollywood comprised of some of the most powerful directors, producers, publicists and managers in Los Angeles, only one of whom spent a day in jail; none went to prison. Barbara Walters reacted as if Cory were obligated to protect this multi billion dollar industry that thrives and survives, unchecked around child molestation and child prostitution.
The foregoing are only a few reasons why we need a different approach to not only stopping this travesty of injustice dead in its tracks, but also the necessity for providing another means of protecting the abused and of creating a space for them to heal. The goal of “No More Dirty Secrets” is to create transparency and visibility surrounding abusers so that they will no longer feel protected by the “conspiracy of silence” society has constructed thereby allowing this tragedy to continue unchecked.
Every aspect of society, from the police, the so called “justice” system, churches, the educational system, the political system, social services, and the prison system (with it’s blatant inequity of keeping the most prominent perpetrators of abuse on the wrong side of prison bars while stuffing prisons with drug abusers, many of whom take drugs to cope with the pain of un-dealt with abuse); all help the abused suffer more and longer, while the abuser, for the most part, gets protected.
These are sad, yet painful truths that few want to look at, let alone do anything about. That is why “No More Dirty Little Secrets” is an important aspect of helping to rid society of this shameful scourge that is scarring our children for life and perpetuating the cycle of abuse.
Dr. David Viscott said, “you are only as sick as your secrets.” No More Dirty Little Secrets (NMDLS) provides a platform for individuals to break the “conspiracy of silence” surrounding all areas of abuse. Through transparency and public exposure, subjects of abuse may set aside, once and for all, the burden of fear and shame associated with protecting abusers. NMDLS offers a caring, supportive and therapeutic environment for sharing traumatic events (often for the first time) with a therapist, survivor, mentor, or sponsor who has healed from the trauma of abuse. A compassionate witness allows emotional healing to begin. Having a community to rely upon, during the healing crisis, helps set aside the isolation, depression and feelings of being cut off from support systems.
NOTE: No More Dirty Little Secrets provides a space for all who have been abused to feel safe speaking about their abuse and exposing the abusers so that the abused can begin the healing process and for the public at large to become educated and informed. We do not seek help from the “justice” system nor the child welfare system since, for the most part, they tend to be part of the problem.
We also provide equal opportunity for those who have been accused of abuse to tell their side of the story so that mutual healing may take place. NMDLS may also mediate cases wherein the abused is willing to forgive and the abuser is seeking forgiveness. Other than that, NMDLS, takes no responsibility for clearing the names of those who are accused. We are a platform for the truth to be heard; we do not provide a place for anyone to hide, lie, or attack the abused for exposing abuse. NMDLS is about transparency and truth. Period.
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