A Swim With Dolphins Can Change Your Life
“When the dream is big enough, the facts don’t count.”
– Captain Nancy, Dolphin Journeys
Tales from ancient Crete tell of unusual beings [who are] enigmatic subjects of human fascination. They are purported to: be able to heal humans; be telepathic; have a wide range of psychic abilities; help lost travelers; save drowning sailors; and have highly advanced spirituality. They are curious about humans, seek contact with us, and can do things with their biological senses that we cannot achieve with our more advanced technology. These beings are dolphins. – Thomas White, PhD author of In Defense of Dolphins
I find it absolutely amazing that no matter how many times we hear someone tell us about a life changing experience, if it fails to fit our paradigm or world view, we have a tendency to discount it; to view it through suspicious eyes; or to hear it through half deaf ears. That is, until we get a hunch that it just might be exactly what we need to get unstuck or to get us where we are trying to go. That would be me when it came to overcoming my fear of water to swim with dolphins and whales in Kona, on the big island of Hawaii.
Experience has taught me that if something new piques my interest or stretches the boundaries of my innocence, no matter how “out there,” it may be, to listen with respect and to ask questions when I do not understand. If the person is not articulate enough to clearly convey the import of the information or experience, or does not ground it soundly to reality, I will file it away for future reference or research. Then, the second time I hear it from a different source, I take this as a sign to pay even closer attention and to ask more probing questions. The third time I run across it, depending on what the situation is, I will make a conscious effort to take definitive action to either: embark upon a new adventure; find that book and read it; watch that film; or visit the new or far away place. Without fail, every time I do one of the foregoing, I experience a major shift in consciousness, or if I am really lucky, I am allowed entrance into the realm of the miraculous. That is exactly what happened with me on my dolphin journey, but more on that later.
Unfortunately, the stubbornly recalcitrant nature of the masses toward rejecting any authority other than their own egos, tends to prompt them to react to the new or unknown within the framework of the age-old adage of first ignoring it, then proceeding toward ridiculing and attacking it before finally accepting it.
I am grateful that my curiosity about the unknown easily trumps my limited belief system. I know when I don’t know and I consciously choose to be like a child when it comes to knowledge: easy to teach yet without the gullibility of a child, thanks to critical thinking skills gathered along the way. Like everything, perfect knowledge is a process of separating the wheat from the shaft. For instance, when it comes to the subject of this article, dolphins, I chose not to join in with the group of admirers of a famous lady I met, while in India, who was venerated for her healing work with dolphins. I thought: “Are these people kidding? What is the merit of swimming with dolphins in the ocean?” I figured they were genuflecting before a false idol just because she was famous. Whatever! I was not one to bow before anyone, let alone the rich or famous.
The second time I heard about swimming with dolphins was when a friend of mine, Athena, told me she was putting together a trip to Hawaii for people to swim with the dolphins. She claimed that they had the ability to heal those who swam with them. My ears perked up, but I didn’t think it was anything I would ever experience. After all, I could not swim a lick. On top of that, I was also absolutely terrified of drowning in the ocean after a wave knocked me over while walking along the beach in Acapulco. The under-toe promptly pulled me out into the ocean where the continental shelf dropped off so suddenly I was pulled under water and blanked out figuring I was a goner. If my husband, at the time, had not been paying attention and had not been an expert swimmer, I would have drowned. When you add that trauma to my earliest experience with being thrown into a lake at the age of three by my adopted father who stood on land laughing at me screaming and flailing my arms until someone had the sense to jump in and rescue me, it’s a wonder I even fill my bathtub to the top and sink back into the water.
Mind you, a friend of mine had been offering to teach me how to swim in our four-foot deep swimming pool all summer long before going to Kona, Hawaii to swim with dolphins. In spite of the fact that I could easily stand up in four feet of water, I used the fact that I was allergic to chlorine to avoid learning to swim in perfectly safe waters for learning how to. The problem was being deeply conditioned to believe that I would sink like a rock if I lost footing and my feet did not touch the bottom of the pool. Mind you, the fact that I could actually stand up in the four feet of water in our swimming pool was not sufficient rationale to permit my pragmatic mind to learn how to swim in the safety of four feet of water.
On occasion, I am known to surprise myself after feeling a pressing need to transcend a particular fear or phobia that might be standing in the way of my personal growth and progress. With that in mind, after I chose to spend December 21, 2012 on the big island of Hawaii, once Ken, my new mate, decided to come along, and asked if I wanted to go on a yacht to swim with the dolphins in Kona, I said yes. Just like that. I did have stipulations, however: a life jacket, a rope tied to the boat and my waist while safe inside an inner tube. That would do it. Ken agreed that was safe enough to free him of worrying about any possibility of me drowning. He booked the adventure with Captain Nancy of Dolphin Journeys.
Captain Nancy is a boat captain on Kona who is well known for taking non-swimmers out on the ocean to swim with the dolphins without losing anybody. She believes dolphins can help release the fear that non-swimmers have about swimming. I figured she was either gifted or crazy. Since I wrote the book titled “I Thought I Was the Crazy One” I decided Captain Nancy was my kinda gal. Did I have trepidation? Yes. Was I worried about sharks, jellyfish and electric eels? Yes. Were my daughter, Crystal, and my play daughter, Princess, worried about me, since I couldn’t swim? Yes. Did I think I was out of my mind for agreeing to this adventure? Yes. Was I going to back out? No. Why? My inner compass was guiding me to conquer my fear of drowning; that’s why. Thus, Scary Cat me definitively decided to hang out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with humpback whales and dolphins. And when I make a decision, I do not back out.
The night before leaving for my dolphin adventure, I thought I should read a bit about dolphins to remind me of why I wanted to embark on this ocean mission with them and humpback whales, who could easily capsize a 26-foot yacht with one leap in the air. After reading, I ended up depressed as hell and had nightmares too boot about the inhumane treatment of dolphins in captivity. What encouraged me to go through with the adventure was how much dolphins have to teach us about love, joy, play, and being in the eternal now. Lord knows I could use a lesson or two in how to play. I was never a child (having mothered my mother and four other siblings as a child. I also ended up mothering two husbands and two children of my own, the latter of whom are still struggling to grow up even though they are adults). As a result, I definitely felt a need to learn how to play.
Beyond the foregoing, I was even more impressed with how intelligent and gentle humpback whales are purported to be. Even so, the gentle part was definitely something I would have to behold to believe. After all, a whale is one big assed mammal! And it was something for me to behold a little catamaran coming in the direction of a 36-foot humpback whale swimming toward it. I was really concerned that the whale would jump up and splash causing the little boat to capsize. Captain Nancy assured me that, although a whale was capable of that, they were far too considerate of humans to harm them. And she was right. I was amazed at how gracefully they swam, mindful not to jump up in the air near boats.
But what really resonated with me was the fact that, on a metaphysical level, cetaceans (whales and dolphins) hold the vibration of unconditional love for humans and the planet. In fact, they are believed to have volunteered for this mission millions of years ago, after humans went chasing after the flights, fancies, and insanity of their ego, which led to the fall from grace. In our ego-based pursuits, we promptly forgot about and abandoned our roles as stewards and caretakers of the earth. As a result, somebody had to step up to the plate to hold the vibration of love for the planet so that life, as we know it, could continue without being completely wiped off the face of the planet. The cetacean’s fondness and love for humanity moved them to take on this task. Unfortunately for the cetaceans, from what we know about humans, historically, they rarely allow a good deed to go unpunished. Thus, the humpbacks are being repaid for their generosity of spirit with genocide and making the infamous endangered species list.
The cetaceans graciously assumed that role for us to ensure that we would survive any backlash from the elementals of air, earth, fire and water. The elementals serve us unceasingly and ever so unselfishly. After all, the sun does not forget to rise and bring us warmth; the rain does not forget to fall; the earth freely produces food to eat and air from the trees to breath; and the wind blows away the smog and fog. The problem is, the elementals get tired of serving ungrateful human ingrates who rape, pillage, plunder and disrespect our planetary home and don’t even bother to thank them when they sit down to eat or drink what the elementals have graciously provided. Not to mention how hard our body elementals work to keep us alive on the trash we feed ourselves that passes off as food, not to mention the abuse we heap upon our bodies. As a result, the elementals end up having to protect or purify the earth from the harm that humans cause. Areas in need of growth or with heavy concentrations of negativity, bloodshed, and desecration can result in elementals of earth erupting into volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes, or earthquakes to cleanse, protect, or propagate.
The cetaceans are here to hold the vibration of love for the planet to help heal us emotionally and physically and to aid us in our evolutionary process toward attainment of the Christ Consciousness. That was all I needed to know to get that final push to face my fear of the ocean. The truth was, I was desperately in need of all the help I could get to go to the next level of consciousness. But more importantly, I felt that humans had turned this beautiful blue and green sphere spinning so gracefully in space into a backward evolving planet that is literally hell on earth in many places. There are a few peaceful spots left but not many. With that in mind, I was and still am willing to relinquish, sacrifice or overcome whatever is required to ensure that I never have to come back here once this lifetime is over.
I’ve not ever been one to walk around with a closed mind and was ready to experience just what all of that mystical, magical talk about dolphins and whales was about. Besides, I had grown up watching the television series “Flipper” which evolved around a highly intelligent, communicative, yet playful pet dolphin. Come hook or crook, I was ready to actually experience what all of the hype around dolphins was about with Captain Nancy in her little 26 foot yacht staffed with co-captain, Daniel, a female pod leader, and four other sea faring adventurers.
The whales came to visit us first, swimming along side several other tourist yachts in the vicinity and a small catamaran. I made an instant heart connection with one of the hump back whales. He was about 36 feet long. Captain Nancy took the time to give us a briefing on how to communicate telepathically with cetaceans. They are able to read our unique energetic blueprint through their sophisticated sonar. Talk about multitasking, they are capable of communicating with more than one person at a time when thought projections are sent out from more than one individual and they are not limited by the man made space, time continuum. Thus, once you have been in the water with them and they record your electronic signature, distance does not matter; they can respond immediately to your communicate with them anywhere in the world through telepathy or thought projection. For instance, when I asked the big, 36-foot humpback whale, swimming not far from us what his name was, he instantly responded with “Blue.” I received the information in the form of a still, small voice, similar to what some would call intuition, or what mystics would call “holy spirit.”
I had set an intention to heal and align my four lower bodies (physical, mental, spiritual and etheric). The dolphins not only helped me overcome my fear of drowning, but responded to my request to unblock my chakras. Naturally, my base chakra had been causing me a great deal of pain in that it is the chakra of trust, which was coming up big time due to a huge issue with betrayal by untrustworthy co-workers. I had gotten two different chiropractic adjustments that week and an atlas adjustment in addition to yoga everyday, yet nothing made the pain in my lower back go away. That is, until I got out there IN the ocean and they swam underneath me. I asked the dolphins and whales for help in opening my chakras so that I could be whole enough to become capable of consciously assuming my rightful role as one of the stewards of this beautiful planet. I told the cetaceans that my intention was to do the inner work necessary to free myself of all fears and phobias so that I could, like them, move with grace, love and light. In so doing, I would not only be able to step into my rightful role, but also be able to help free the cetaceans from their volunteer role as stewards of this planet. This won’t be able to happen until enough people raise their consciousness high enough to liberate the cetaceans from their tremendously vital role of holding the vibration of love for the planet, a responsibility that was never theirs to bear.
Until I spoke with Captain Nancy the next day, who told me to watch the documentary “The Cove,” which captures the vicious slaughter of dolphins in a Japanese cove, I had no idea how grave the situation was. Captain Nancy also confirmed a telepathic conversation I had with the dolphins the night before when I went into meditation and asked them the names of the dolphins who had assisted in my healing. The names Dancer, Joy and Singer popped up. I was told that Joy was the baby. I asked Captain Nancy if she had heard of these dolphins and she told me that she had swam with Singer so named because he sings to her; that Dancer was the one that was twirling up out of the water and that Joy was the baby. I laughed with delight to receive confirmation that the information the dolphins gave me the night before was so accurate.
Another confirmation came in the form of the film “The Cove.” That documentary has the same images the dolphins flashed before my eyes the night before of a red sea of blood filled with dead cetaceans. In fact, one of the compelling reasons why I called Captain Nancy was to ask her who was slaughtering dolphins because I thought the images the dolphins flashed before my eyes, when I asked them how I could repay them for the healing I had received, was inaccurate. They also asked me to write about my experience with them in the ocean. I was under the impression that dolphins were a protected species. Captain Nancy explained that our government allows 100,000 dolphins who get captured in tuna nets, to die each year at the hands of tuna fishermen, while still allowing the fishermen to put “dolphin safe” on their tuna labels as long as they do not kill more than 100,000 dolphins in a year. The question that went through my mind was: “who is counting the number killed?”
Until I watched “The Cove,” I had no inkling of the viciousness and callousness many Japanese exhibit toward dolphins. It was bad enough that humpback whales are on the endangered species list because of their intentional slaughter by Japanese fishermen who view them and dolphins as ocean “pests” in need of eradication because they eat too many fish. I guess the Japanese feel they should be the only one’s consuming fish. The blatant fallacy, however, in the Japanese government disseminated propaganda to fishermen is that humpback whales eat plankton; they don’t even eat fish! It just goes to show that Hitler was right about how powerful propaganda is in influencing the ignorant masses to do the bidding of the power elite.
I could not help but wonder at the very real possibility that the Japanese government (who can’t be so ignorant as not to know that humpback whales eat plankton, has a dark agenda. And what might that be, you ask? Think about it: humans are still a ways away from raising their vibrations to the level of unconditional love, which is synonymous with the Christ Consciousness. If the cetaceans became extinct, who would hold the vibration of love to keep the planetary grid system of the earth in place? Certainly not egocentric humans who can’t stop distrusting, hating, killing, watching pornography, or having mindless or perverted sex long enough to get an idea of what unconditional love looks or feels like. The vast majority of humans don’t know the difference between love and lust, let alone infatuation and love. So, back to the question at hand: “Why would any government want to destroy the love that links the planetary grid system of the earth?” Answer: Because it maintains hegemony through violence, duplicity and oppression, which the power elite use to keep the masses in fear and under control. The tragedy of their desperate need to maintain control by any means necessary is that the extinction of cetaceans would place the entire planet at risk of annihilation since love is the substance that creates universes and holds them together. By no means are we as yet capable, as a species, of continually staying in a state of unconditional love to prevent that from happening.
I experienced a heart opening healing from the dolphins that brought tears to my eyes as I was sitting on the back of the boat with my feet dangling in the water. This was after I began hyperventilating and begged Captain Nancy to take me back to the boat right after she coaxed me out into the water with only my wet suit, fins and snorkeling gear: no rope, no inner tube and no life vest. I knew I really had lost my mind to let her talk me into that. And what did Ken do? As soon as I was in the water and Captain Nancy was facing me, holding my hands, he figured three was not company, and swam off in the distance. I felt abandoned. After all, I didn’t even know Captain Nancy and Ken promised he would not leave my side, but there he was, chasing after dolphins. It only took a hot minute of me gasping for breath to realize that I simply could not relax my body enough to be out in the middle of the ocean without a life vest.
Captain Nancy substituted a small, blue Styrofoam like tube under my arms to keep me afloat as she held my hands and swam backwards in front of me, allowing me to look in her eyes (I did not trust her to be at my side or out of my sight), as she attempted to coax my irrational fear of sinking out of me. Even though the water was holding me up, not her fingers, I firmly believed I would sink if she let her fingers go. Even worse, I could not relax the tension in my neck as I held my head above water with a ferocity that made my head hurt even though I had snorkel gear in my mouth. I refused to look down in the water and breathe through the snorkeling gear. I was overwhelmed to the point of tears and panic. Captain Nancy was intuitive enough to know that I could not take any more so she waved her hand for Captain Daniel to bring the boat to us. Even though I felt tremendous relief to be back on the boat, I was devastated to see the others swimming with the dolphins as I sat on the back of the boat with my feet dangling in the water feeling like a failure. I had come this far by faith and chickened out at the 11th hour. Even Dawn, the other non-swimmer on the boat, was swimming happily in the water after only a minimal amount of coaching.
Being the resilient person I am, I decided to make lemonade out of lemons. I called out to the dolphins and apologized for my cowardice, asking them to forgive me and to help me overcome my trepidation of drowning, which had escalated from fear to sheer terror. I sat there with tears welling up in my eyes when suddenly several dolphins swam a short distance away, but not nearly close enough for my satisfaction. They jumped up in the air for me and I literally squealed with delight, thanking them profusely for answering my call. They then disappeared. I sat there apologizing again, for not having the courage to come back into the water but asked them to come back closer to the boat so that I could touch them and get a close up view of them. They distinctly told me to come back into the water with them; that they would help me overcome my fear of the ocean, but I would have to meet them half way. In that instant, Captain Daniel came to me and asked if I was ready to give it another try. I replied: “Not without a life vest.”
Captain Daniel went inside the boat and came back with a lightweight blue life vest and told me to button up with that before going back out. I was delighted. Soon as I was all buttoned up and ready to put my fins and snorkel gear back on, wouldn’t you know, here comes Captain Nancy adamant about me taking off the life vest because it would cause me to flip over on my back. Well, I didn’t want that cause I wouldn’t be able to see the dolphins, who like to swim underneath us when they are not jumping up in the air. But my ego did not want to believe Captain Nancy. I started asking myself: Why is she being so mean to me when she knows I am terrified of the water and can’t swim? She wants me to jump back into the water with no safety gear other than that silly little blue tube that looked like a noodle under my arms. I promptly said: “I changed my mind.”
Captain Nancy wasn’t having it. She began to tell me how far I had come to swim with the dolphins and that my fear of sinking was unfounded, that I couldn’t sink if I tried. I was thinking: You told me earlier that tensing up caused you not to float and I’m tense as all hell right now! Luckily Captain Daniel came up with a compromise: a blue flotation belt that was not bulky. Bingo! That saved the day for me.
Mind you, even though I felt better with the flotation belt, by no means was I free from the grips of terror. In fact, my ego was in full throttle. It can make up shit as I go! For all I knew there were “lions, tigers and bears” in the ocean! Thank God, Captain Nancy wasn’t having any of my nonsense. Damn it, I came out there to overcome my fear of drowning and it was her honor to make sure we did not go back to shore without that happening. She began to ask me about my childhood fear of drowning and expressed empathy surrounding what happened. She then asked about my past life fear of drowning. I told her I had thrown myself into the Nile to end a miserable lifetime in Egypt as the daughter of a Pharaoh.
Captain Nancy’s voice was soothing. Talking back made me less nervous and self-conscious. Suddenly my fears seemed unfounded; I really was not sinking and the fingers of her hands were not holding me up. In spite of that realization, I asked her to not let me go, please. She looked me in the eyes and said with a laugh: “Now why would I do that? It would be too much paperwork for me.” I laughed and my neck relaxed enough for me to put the snorkel back into my mouth and follow her directive to put my head in the water and open my eyes. As soon as I looked down, the water was so blue and pacific it calmed me immediately. The green plants were beautiful and nothing swam by to frighten me.
Suddenly Captain Daniel called out to Captain Nancy that there was one dolphin swimming directly underneath us. By the time I looked, all I saw was a grey shadow. I asked the dolphins to let me see them. They answered: “We are all around you, sending you love. You don’t need to see us to feel us.” While gazing into the water through my goggles and breathing deeply through the snorkel, I felt the loving support of the water and experienced its calm. Suddenly, I understood what Captain Nancy had been trying to tell me about how safe the water was and the veracity in her statement that I couldn’t sink if I tried. It was absolutely true when you relax and trust the water.
With that realization came insight into drowning myself in a past life. I chose to give up on life, opting instead, for what I thought was the only way out, but suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. That fateful decision haunted me for many lifetimes through an unfounded fear of water. And that fear managed to morph into other unfounded fears that I have had to overcome, some as simple as roller blading; others as terrifying as skiing (which is my next one to conquer). Overall, that fateful decision resulted in a life of subdued non-excitement and “quiet desperation” at times.
With my eyes wide open under water and my heart flowering like a lotus blossom, I asked for forgiveness for violating the sanctity of life and for disturbing the peacefulness and sacredness of water. I realized that in Egypt, I chose to end my life through drowning because I had never learned how to swim in that lifetime either, which meant that saving myself was not an option. Thus, throwing myself into the Nile was a fail proof method for ending my misery. Yet I had ended neither the misery nor the fear, for I carried them both with me into this lifetime. So, I made a decision, then and there, with Captain Nancy holding both of my hands, that I would put this particular fear to rest by choosing to trust her. And when I saw how miserable I had made my life by giving power to beliefs that were unfounded and unreal, I chose to let go of misery as well. When Captain Nancy asked me if she could let go of both of my hands and take a picture of me underneath the water, I allowed her to let go of one hand to take the picture. I was barely touching the fingers of her other hand, unconsciously aware that her fingers were not holding me up, the ocean was, and the universe was there to support my healing in the form of dolphins, whales and Captain Nancy. I knew, in that moment, just how loved and supported I was. When I got back on the boat, a current of pure love was pulsating throughout my body at such a high vibration all I could do was ask Captain Nancy if I could hug her and hold her in a tight embrace, crying like a baby as I thanked her over and over for teaching me that it was possible to trust my life in the hands of a complete stranger.
Yesterday, I woke up with the intention to give something back to the dolphins and whales for the miraculous physical and emotional healing I received from them, but it felt like anything I could do would be a mere drop in the bucket in comparison to what actually needs to be done to stop man’s inhumane treatment of cetaceans. My experience with cetaceans led me to come to the same conclusions Thomas White, PhD, drew from 15 years of scientific and philosophical research on dolphins as chronicled in his 2007 book titled: In Defense of Dolphins: The New Moral Frontier. White points out that, “major scientific research on dolphin intelligence and social behavior reveals that dolphins possess sophisticated intellectual and emotional abilities.” Using a traditional definition of ‘personhood” he argues that dolphins are “nonhuman persons and are entitled to moral standing as individuals.” Dolphins are a “who,” not a “what.” He cogently argues that:
Even a skeptic would have to concede that there is a reasonable possibility that dolphins are nonhuman persons who should be given moral standing as individuals … Thus, if there is a reasonable possibility that our actions will hurt someone then we have a duty to avoid doing them [such as fishing on top of dolphins eating tuna and captive breeding programs].
Yesterday, as I went into prayer and meditation on what I, as one individual could do to help the cetaceans, I felt downright overwhelmed by the conscious and unconscious insensitivity and brutality that humans often innately exhibit toward each other, let alone against other species. It occurred to me that getting people to sign petitions to save the cetaceans, or enacting more laws prohibiting genocide against cetaceans inevitably loops back to the age old sense of entitlement avaricious or fanatical fishermen or hungry human carnivores, with a taste for consuming flesh of all varieties and types, feel about exercising dominion over anybody or anything perceived as weaker or “less than.”
And don’t get me started with the egocentric, so called “God given,” Judean right to eat animals.
Genesis gave humans the right to name animals, not eat them. It was humanity’s exercise of freewill that led them to eat animals when there was plenty of food in the garden to eat. However, having been given the gift of freewill, God would never take it back nor interfere in humanity’s exercise of it, be it for good or bad, but more on that in a minute. What this amounted to in my mind was the old Darwinian belief in “survival of the fittest” or the barbaric belief in “might makes right” which serves to inflate the egos of narcissistic individuals who manage to come up with an endless array of justifications for every wrong they have ever committed, that make perfect sense to them regardless of the fact that they are founded on logical fallacies. In fact, they use all sorts of logical fallacies to justify finding loopholes to get around any and every law that might remotely curtail or prohibit their sense of entitlement to do whatever they damn well please to appease the voracious appetite of their egos who are wont to take, control or dominate whatever or whoever comes within their sphere of influence.
Having had ample first hand experience with the foregoing and being all too familiar with the sordid history of man’s inhumanity to man, only made me more overwhelmed to the point of feeling absolutely powerless and helpless to do anything for these magnificent beings who serve us so selflessly and lovingly. They reminded me of innocent, helpless children who come to adults to be hugged, held and rocked to sleep in the lap of adults who end up molesting or murdering them. My heart became so heavy, all I could do in that moment was cry out to heaven for help.
I stood there on a hill, under a pagoda, looking out at the beautiful, blue Pacific ocean on the big island of Hawaii in Hilo, a literal paradise, wishing that everyone could enjoy pristinely clean air; pure water, free of brain dumbing fluoride and chlorine; pick organic fruit; eat organic vegetables; and live in communities with people who kept their property clean and well maintained, like the fruit orchard and sanctuary where I was staying, owned by my friend Dr. Robert Cassar. I felt a compelling desire for peace on earth and humanity’s return to paradise during this holiday season of 2012 as I breathed in the splendor of the blue skies and the placid, picturesque pastoral scenery surrounding me. In that moment, I literally broke into tears of longing for humanity to move beyond this old Piscean paradigm of war, separation and bloodshed and into the Aquarian age of sympathy, harmony, peace and understanding.
In that instant, I knew I had to surrender my will to my Higher Self, my I AM Presence that is connected to All There Is: to Source Energy, to God, to the Prime Creator, or whatever we want to call that which is greater than our puny little, small minded egos. I comprehended that the gift of Free Will was a double-edged sword used for good or evil. I understood that inherent in Free Will is innate sovereignty and authority over ourselves and our right and ability to choose. The bad news is that humanity chose to follow their idiotic little egos and gave over power to it, which left us with authority and dominion over ourselves but without the power to effect real change in our lives.
The good news is that the Creator, in its infinite wisdom, knew that we would exercise our right to choose darkness and limitation. As a result, we were graciously given the Ascended Host (comprised of archangels, angels, ascended masters, etc.) who have the power to assist us. The catch is that, although they have the power, they do not have the authority to interfere in our freewill. Such is the conundrum humanity is faced with. Fortunately, it has a simple solution revealed by Christ and those Ascended masters who walked the earth before him: All we have to do is “ask and it is given;” or “knock and the door is opened.” Ahh, how sweet it all is, once we can grasp the brilliance and beauty of the divine plan for humanity. Think about it: we were given a gracious dispensation of grace in the form of ascended masters, of whom Christ plays a supreme role by embodying and holding the blueprint for humanity’s attainment of the Christ Consciousness. Christ showed us that it could be achieved, in that if one can achieve that level of consciousness, then all can.
The problem was that the church usurped the teaching of Christ Consciousness due to their legitimate fear that the masses would no longer need the church. Think about it, Christ never claimed to be the only one who could reach his level of consciousness; which is why he said: “These things I do even greater things you will do.” Naturally, the church did not want the masses to know that Christ was not the only ascended master, which was something that Hindus and Buddhists knew way before the coming of Christ. This explains why Hindus are able to grasp the principle of ascended masters assigned to assist humanity in their spiritual evolution; they refer to them as gods who embody different aspects of the Prime Creator God, and believe that we should strive to attain those attributes. As a result, Hindus grasp this concept easily and quite well; Christians, Islamic and Jewish people, not so well.
My suggestion is that if you are Christian, turn to Christ or Jehovah; if you are Islamic, turn to Mohammed or Allah; if you are Jewish, turn to Moses or the 72 Names of God; and if you are Atheist turn to Source Energy for help and keep in mind that Love is God; moreover, one does not have to believe in God to practice being a loving human being.
My point is that we have all of these different religions that all have ascended masters of different names upon whom followers call for assistance. This is an ancient practice grounded in truth because there are ascended beings, who once walked the earth. They mastered their egos through practicing unconditional love for everyone and everything and understood that our ultimate goal was to strive for reunion or oneness with the divine. They volunteered and exist to serve humanity until we can get our head out of our butts long enough to call upon them for assistance. They volunteered to respond to our call for help and have the power and ability to assist us once we ask and surrender our authority to a higher power that can help us actualize our needs and desires.
When I cried out for help and called upon the will of our Father – Mother Creator God and all of the ascended masters I was familiar with, I felt a rush of Divine grace flood my heart and being. I felt that “peace beyond words” that was ever so comforting. The love of the Creator and all of these beings that comprise the Ascended Host, combined with the light from our sun and pulsed throughout every cell in my being as I stood on that hill facing the sun, feeling the ocean breeze caress my face and stroke my hair, while the exquisite tropical abundance all around, reassured me that indeed, there is a God, and where there is God there is hope. I stretched out my arms in the form of a cross to signify my willingness to crucify my ego and give over my authority to a higher power capable of opening the eyes, hearts and minds of the recalcitrant power elite, who as I speak, are issuing inane orders to kill, maim or imprison anything or anyone who will not submit to their ego’s perverse need for power and control.
Suddenly, as I stood on that breezy little hill, I no longer felt overwhelmed. In fact, I felt a bit of reassurance that this little ditty I was composing would take on a life of its own, creating its own ripple effect within the hearts of those who take the time to hear its message. My hope is that they will see the in-congruency in saying one thing and doing another, in talking the talk but not walking the walk. For instance, I cannot say that I love my pet bird, fish, or lamb, then turn around and eat its kin. Moreover, the double standard of dog and cat lovers who eat lambs, cows, chickens, and fish who turn up their noses at foreign cultures who do eat dogs, does not make them more advanced. And how can you say that you love cetaceans then turn around and eat fish, foul, or any other animal when there is such an abundance of clean protein in the form of nuts, peas, beans, seeds, dairy and vegetables?
I am not writing this with hopes of persuading carnivores to feel guilty and stop eating fish, fowl or meat. Nor am I doing it with the idea that those with no affinity, attunement or alignment with cetaceans will suddenly want to go swim with them. In fact, I would caution those wanting to do so, not to, unless they can afford to fly to one of the safest and easiest places to do so, Kona, on the big island of Hawaii, where dolphins and whales have developed a relationship with a small group of sea captains who have been taking people to swim with the dolphins for years and who honor and respect the cetaceans and their habitat, which is kept pristine, pure and sacred. In fact, this habitat has the purest ocean waters in the world and these sea captains keep it that way by their willingness to go back and fish out any bit of litter that may fly off the boat after taking every precaution that it does not happen. In fact, Captain Nancy owner of Dolphin Journeys, was the pioneer and first company in Kona to offer encounters with wild dolphins to tourists. Captain Nancy was inspired by Joan Ocean, author of Dolphin Connection.
My small hope is that this piece will move readers to examine their unexamined assumptions; take a look at their logical fallacies, and relinquish their double standards. Indeed, it is time for humanity to move toward alignment with their higher truth and ignite a desire to live in integrity with the higher self and to coexist in harmony with the beauty and diversity of this planet. This gorgeous sphere does not belong to one species, it is home to all living things: plant, animal, human, and mineral.
Check out My Article on Eat, Pray, Love
It does seem to me that we are long over due to awaken from this nightmare of hell we collectively dreamed up, and high time to co-create a new dream of paradise and peace on earth. And I don’t mean thinking of peace on earth only at Christmas time or mouthing it as a mere platitude, but to feel it in our hearts and visualize it as a real possibility. Every idea began with a dream and dreams do become reality. Captain Nancy is right: “When the dream is big enough, the facts don’t count.” Thus, the fact that there is not peace on this earth as we speak, does not count. What counts is making the dream of peace on earth a big enough dream to bring it into reality. As for me, I have always longed for John Lennon’s dream in his song “Imagine” to become my reality. Indeed, “You may think I’m just a dreamer/but I’m not the only one/I hope someday you will join us/and the world will live as one.”
For information on booking a trip go to Dolphin Journeys on Facebook or For college students or high school graduates going to Kona, there is a youth Hostel in walking distance to amenities, Koa Wood Hale, on Ala Onaona Street, Kailua, Kona. And for the health conscious there is organic eating at Island Naturals on Kaiwi Street, Kona near the marina and Lava Java on Alii Drive in Kona.